Spelling Spectacle

Spelling Spectacle

Spelling Spectacle New work by Ingrid Berger Myhre premiering at SPRING Festival Utrecht in May 2023 – about logic, consequence and possibility. With “if, then” as undercurrent, the piece asks what a coherent choreographic train of thought can be or look like. What conditions the following, and

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New Bergen Players

New Bergen Players

New Bergen Players (2019 – ) In January 2019 I began working with 10 women aged 65+ in Bergen, Norway. The aim of the collaboration is to make a series of performances and playful interventions in and around the city. Our first performance together was at KODE

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Mermermer (2016) “Witty, joyous and disconcerting, Mermermer blends the irreverent, absurd and everyday into a quirky style of comedic physical theatre… Unpredictable and mesmerising.” Eammon Kelly, The Australian “Rubbing the body parts of high and low art, thoughts and trance-like action, deadpan and real, Lloyd and Gunn,

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Playing Shop

Playing Shop

Playing Shop (2017 – ) PLAYING SHOP is live art for kids. We give them something to do, they give us art. Together with Australian choreographer Nat Cursio, I invited children to create their own art fair and pop-up gift shop, subverting the institution of the arts

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PASSENGER (2017) The vehicle becomes a bubble, the dashboard a console, and the landscape all around unfolds as a television screen”  Jean Baudrillard, The Ecstasy of Communication Passenger is a theatre work which places its audience inside a moving suburban bus. A conversation is heard between two

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A Social Service

A Social Service

A Social Service “A Social Service unites an acute sense of the ridiculous with a sophisticated appreciation of the ways art effects social change, for good or ill. Its comic brilliance will have broad appeal, but the intricate engagement with the ethics behind aesthetics make this one

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Instruction Manual for Lonely Mountains

Instruction Manual for Lonely Mountains

Instruction Manual for Lonely Mountains (2016) A comic book about a group of people who gather together for a focus meeting to protest the extinction of the human race. This is an adaptation of a work made in 2014 called Green Screen written in collaboration with actors

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Queens on a Rug

Queens on a Rug

Queens on a Rug (2016) Filling in time, taking up space, taking up one another’s space, filling in one another’s time. This is a mash-up of work created with Jo Lloyd in a 3-hour performance that re-plays and re-orders material from forwards to backwards and backwards to

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Green Screen

Green Screen

Green Screen (2014) Green Screen was in part inspired by this quote from Buckminster Fuller: ‘If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do… How would I be? What would I do?’ In the work, two scenes

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Inside Outside Stephen Bram’s L3, E29, NGVI

Inside Outside Stephen Bram’s L3, E29, NGVI

Inside Outside Stephen Bram’s L3, E29, NGVI This performance took place over 8 consecutive hours in Stephen Bram’s spectacular architectural sculpture, Level 3, E29, NGVI. The performance was a response to Bram’s installation that was designed for gallery viewers to move through, sit inside, regard, and to

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